Outer Seed Shadow Projects for Marble Hill Houses and Dyckman Houses
Juanli Carrión with Jacki Fischer
Current Locations
Marble Hill Houses, 228th Street & Broadway in the Bronx; Dyckman Houses, central lawn between Nagle & 10th Avenues in Upper Manhattan
One of sixteen projects in the 2018 exhibition Ecological Consciousness: Artist as Instigator.

Photo: John Maggiotto
Outer Seed Shadow (OSS) creates and supports public green spaces with powerful educational capacities, incorporating public art, storytelling, urban farming, public programming and community building to address systemic and structural issues of social inequity. After creating gardens throughout the city, Juanli Carrion collaborated with Jacki Fischer to incorporate OSS as a 501(c)3 in December 2017. This spring, OSS commissioned artists to work with communities to build gardens. This summer Cheryl Wing-Zi is working with Marble Hill Houses residents to build Terrace and Asha Hanna is working with Dyckman Houses residents in the elaboration of DAP Garden. Conceived as a living sculpture, each garden serves as a centerpiece to articulate programming that delves into the conflicts addressed in the gardens. OSS gardens have hosted a wide range of activities, including workshops in gardening, cooking and memory building; readings, lectures and panels with guest scholars, neighbors, stakeholders, and residents; as well as performances and concerts.