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Ecological consciousness credit John Maggiotto 27
  • Art

Ecological Consciousness: Artist as Instigator

All Day
Glyndor Gallery
Ecological consciousness credit John Maggiotto 28
Right to left: Jean Shin, "Levee Proposal for Louis Valentino Park, Red Hook, Brooklyn"; Eve Mosher and Clarinda Mac Low, "NYC Waterways, Site of Activity, Site of Action". Courtesy of the artists.

Artists are the voice of the community. Often they are one of the first to voice social concerns and the most effective at garnering grassroots support for important issues. Not surprisingly, as communities’ concerns about persistent environmental issues have escalated, artists have been uniquely positioned to actively respond, collaborating with engineers, designers, landscape architects, ecologists, historians and other professionals to bridge the gap between science, art and activism. Wave Hill stands at the center of this shift, providing the impetus for Wave Hill’s summer exhibition that features ecological projects initiated by artists, collectives, and organizations.

We turned Glyndor Gallery into an information exchange hub to learn about these projects that explore persistent environmental problems in New York City. Bioremediation, water quality, food justice, soil carbon content and strategies for increasing resiliency are among the topics that are being tackled.

Sixteen projects were presented through photographs, videos, artifacts and installation; they represent collaborations and partnerships with a wide range of organizations:

Ecological consciousness credit John Maggiotto 5
Right to left: Alicia Grullon, “Surge”; Lillian Ball, “WATERWASH Bronx River”. Courtesy of the artists. Photo: John Maggiotto.
Ecological consciousness credit John Maggiotto 13
Left to right: Brooke Singer, “Carbon Sponge”; Jan Mun, “The Fairy Ring: Mycoremediation Mother Patch, Newtown Creek”; Environmental Performance Agency (EPA), “OnBehalfof.Life”. Courtesy of the artists. Photo: John Maggiotto.

Thank you to all the artists and collaborating organizations who are working diligently to raise ecological awareness and improve the environment in New York City.

Ecological Consciousness: Artist as Instigator is organized by Wave Hill’s curatorial team, Jennifer McGregor and Eileen Jeng Lynch.


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