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20190223 Joshua Bright Wave Hill Citrus 0484

Support the Family Art Project

For more than thirty years the Family Art Project has been bringing generations of families together to make art, and memories.

While this program is much loved, it is underfunded and support year to year remains uncertain.

You can change that. Join with others to show your love for the Family Art Project by making a donation today.

Show your Love for the Family Art Project

Increase Your Impact!

Wave Hill welcomes gifts of many kinds, including donor advised funds, wire transfers, IRA transfers and stock/securities. You can also increase your impact by submitting a matching gift form from a participating employer.

To donate by check, please make your check payable to Wave Hill and mail it to:

Wave Hill
c/o Philanthropy
675 West 252nd Street
Bronx, NY 10471

Summer fap windchimes joshua bright

Join Us at the Family Art Project

Experience stories and create art inspired by nature and culture while building community.

Join us