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Support Wave Hill

You can help preserve Wave Hill and ensure our gardens and grounds continue to thrive—become a Member, make a donation, or give a gift in honor or memory of a loved one. Donations of any size really make a difference.

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Your Support Has Impact

Spring WH Chair
The need for green and open space is more important now than ever for our health and well-being. Wave Hill provides a place of peace and restoration. Your support and friendship ensure Wave Hill remains a natural oasis for all.

Your Gift, Your Impact, Your Garden

No matter how you felt before you entered, you cross that threshold and it changes you. It is a place of tranquility and beauty, and it's an open invitation no matter what time of day or time of year.
Cathleen Harvey Wiggins Wave Hill Board Member

You Make a Difference

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Photo: Joshua Bright

Wave Hill’s magnificent gardens and our pioneering arts and education programs are designed to inspire a love and understanding of nature, and our place in it. This is the gift that you give to each person who comes here. You make this possible through your support.

Wave Hill Funding Sources

With public funding covering only 20% of our operating costs, everything that happens here, happens because of you.

80 Revenue & Private Support
20 City, State & Federal Funding

You make THE difference.

Help the Gardens Grow

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Members are at the heart of Wave Hill and receive special access to all Wave Hill has to offer—world class gardens, stunning views, site-specific art, outdoor concerts, and gardening and environmental programs.

To become a member or renew your membership online, sign in or create an account.

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More Ways to Give

Your support underwrites the care of our gardens and grounds and important programs for visitors of all ages.
