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Education 37

High School Programs (Grades 9-12)

Learn with Wave Hill

Engage your class in a unique, outdoor adventure at Wave Hill, during which we will explore the sciences, humanities and arts through active engagement with the natural world. Skilled educators work individually with each class to provide rich experiences for all.

Time of programs: 10-11AM or 11:30AM-12:30PM
Maximum class size: 30 students and up to four adults
Program fee: $120; 20% discount for Title I and D75 schools

Special Needs: All programs can be adapted to suit the particular learning styles of your students. Communicate your class’s specific needs upon booking so that we may provide the most engaging program possible.


All groups require a reservation in advance. To request a reservation, please complete the school programs request form.

Avian Adventures

Seasons offered: Spring at Wave Hill

This birding program gives students the opportunity to engage with the scientific process by contributing to a community science database project. During this activity, they will build on their knowledge of birds by getting to know urban species and behaviors through outdoor observation and discussion. The program concludes with an in-depth study of urban owls in order to understand the anatomy, behavior and adaptations of these local birds.

Native Knowledge

Seasons offered: Spring at Wave Hill

In this immersive program, students investigate their personal relationships with plants while honoring indigenous knowledge and discovering the history of the Lenape people. A multi-sensory exploration of the Herb Garden and woodlands informs participants about local plants important to the Lenape. Storytelling traditions of local indigenous peoples will help students further explore their own relationship with the natural world.

Walk for the Senses

Seasons offered: Spring at Wave Hill

Mindfulness is a vital engagement technique that allows us to connect with the environment in a more thoughtful way. This program encourages students to practice using mindfulness in the gardens at Wave Hill through activities that highlight different senses. The group will return to the classroom with concrete skills for maintaining focus and curiosity throughout their day and a deepened appreciation for the natural world.

Woodland Stewardship

Seasons offered: Spring at Wave Hill

Many factors contribute to the way NYC's woodlands are maintained, including local ecology, the economy and public use. In this program, students will take on the role of forest stewards to learn about these factors and their environmental impacts. They will study and collect data on Wave Hill’s urban woodlands, learn practical tools used by professional foresters to enhance their knowledge of tree species, and make reasoned arguments based on their observations. Students will return to the classroom with a nuanced understanding of the varied influences affecting our local forests today.

Self-Guided Nature Walk

Seasons offered: Spring at Wave Hill
Fee: $40 per class; 20% discount for Title I schools

Guide your class on an independent exploration of Wave Hill's gardens and grounds. Prepare for your visit by downloading the attached PDF, which offers guidelines and two activities for your class to enjoy.