Lilium leichtlinii (Leichtlin's lily)
July 17, 2018Leichtlin’s lily (Lilium leichtlinii) grows up to four feet high and produces masses of golden-yellow flowers. They are tinged a dark red at the base and have purple freckles on the inside of the “petals” (technically, tepals). Coupled with the purple-green of the stems, it is a very handsome lily.
Named for the German botanist Max Leichtlin (1831–1910), who introduced many plants into cultivation, it comes from central Honshu, the main island of Japan.

July is a peak time for lilies at Wave Hill and Leichtlin’s can be seen in several places, including the Flower Garden and the Monocot Garden.

By Charles Day, Wave Hill's Ruth Rea Howell Senior Horticultural Interpreter