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Wave hill Community Woodland Workday credit Joshua Bright md
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Woodland Community Volunteer Workday

Meet at Perkins Visitor Center
Admission is free for participants volunteering for this event
Wave hill Community Woodland Workday credit Joshua Bright md
Photo: Joshua Bright

Join Wave Hill staff in the Herbert and Hyonja Abrons Woodland to celebrate Earth Day! Volunteers will learn about the importance of urban forests while lending a hand managing invasive species. Gain first-hand knowledge of ecological practices and get your hands dirty while applying them alongside our staff experts. Tasks may include pulling invasive garlic mustard, planting native plants or clearing pathways. Please dress appropriately: long pants, layered clothing and sturdy shoes are required. Gloves and tools provided.  

This program is appropriate for adults 16 and older as hand tools will be used. Under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. For community groups interested in volunteering please contact Saran Adkinson at For corporate volunteer opportunities please contact Carolyn Liv at

Registration is not required for this drop-in event. Questions? Please email us at or call 718.549.3200 x251. 

The Community Woodland Workday will occur in a woodland setting with mixed-material pathways, varying elevations and possible off-pathway trip hazards. Activities require standing, bending down, and carrying items through a woodland setting.  

  • Jess Brey

    Jess brey 2024

    Jess Brey

    Jess Brey is Wave Hill’s Ruth Rea Howell Senior Horticultural Interpreter. Her goal is to excite the public about plants and Wave Hill’s art of horticulture. She does this by leading walks and programs, writing articles, voicing audio guides and appearing in humorous videos on social media. She also keeps track of the living collection by managing plant records and labeling notable plants for the public. Jess has worked in public gardens for a decade—she worked at Queens Botanical Garden, studied interpretation at Cornell Botanic Gardens and received an MPS in Horticulture specializing in Public Garden Leadership from Cornell University. 

  • Cathy Deutsch

    Wave Hill Director of Horticulture

    Cathy Deutsch

    Cathy Deutsch has been Wave Hill’s Director of Horticulture since 2021 and has more than two decades working and designing in public spaces from Central Park Conservancy to Greenwood Gardens. Her introduction to gardening began as an apprentice under Marco Polo Stufano, and soon thereafter she pursued study at NYBG’s School of Professional Horticulture. Having come full circle, Cathy is currently undertaking ambitious projects that will usher Wave Hill’s gardens to improved accessibility and greater resiliency to climate change. She is proud to instill the traditions of great gardening that originally inspired her and further Wave Hill’s undeniable impact on the garden community. 

  • Kevin Hennessy

    Kevin hennessy

    Kevin Hennessy

    Kevin is a part of Wave Hill’s talented gardening staff, responsible for the Entrance Garden and “Secret Garden” (north of the Visitor Parking Lot). He began his career at Wave Hill as a Nally Intern in 2020 and moved into a full-time position immediately after.  

  • Ilana Weinstein 

    Ilana Weinstein

    Ilana Weinstein 

    As Youth Programs Manager, Ilana oversees two high school internship programs, Forest Project and WERM (Woodland Ecological Research Mentorship). Previously, she managed and taught middle school programming as Seeds to Trees & Coastal Classroom Summer Institute Program Manager at City Parks Foundation, and prior to that she was an Urban Park Ranger with NYC Parks. Ilana has taught a variety of ages in a variety of urban environmental settings. Her connection to Wave Hill runs deep, starting as an early child in Family Art Project, being a high school intern in Forest Project, and continuing as a Crew Leader in college. Ilana holds an M.A. in Environmental Conservation Education from New York University and a B.S. in Conservation Biology from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF). 

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