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Winter Workspace 2024

All Day
Glyndor Gallery

The Winter Workspace program consists of two back-to-back, six-week sessions, in which 12 New York area-artists research and develop work informed by the site, ecology and history of Wave Hill. Over the past fifteen years, the Winter Workspace has supported more than 150 artists with studio space and funding. Artists are encouraged to expand their practices using resources from the garden, including access to Wave Hill’s thriving plant collections, horticultural and curatorial staff, history, architecture and visitors. Stay in the loop for more information regarding our upcoming cohort of Winter Workspace artists and stop by Glyndor Gallery for Drop-In Sundays and Open Studios, where visitors can meet the artists and learn about their creative practices. See the calendar for listings.

Top photo: Installation view of Cynthia Santos-Briones studio during Winter Workspace 2024.

Read the release announcing the residency.

Session 1
January 2–February 18, 2024
Participating artists: Eva Davidova, Eliza Evans, Tristan Higginbotham, Katarina Jerinic, Erin Johnson and Ibtisam Tasnim Zaman.

Drop-In Sundays: January 28 and February 4
Open Studios: Saturday, February 17

Eva Davidova will use the residency to continue developing Garden for Drowning Descendant, an experimental, interactive work on ecological disaster and interdependency.

Eva Davidova Headshot by Gustavo Murillo 2020
Eva Davidova. Photo: Gustavo Murill.
Eva Davidova Garden for Drowning Descendant Install Shot
Eva Davidova, Installation view of "Garden for Drowning Descendant", 2022, mixed reality interactive installation. Documentation at Harvestworks, November 2022. Courtesy of the artist.

Eliza Evans will work on the ongoing project All the Way to Hell, which has been a gateway to exploring and exploiting private property regimes, asynchronous collective collaboration and bureaucratic conditions.

Eliza Evans Headshot
Eliza Evans. Photo courtesy of the artist and La Mama Galleria.
Eliza Evans All the Way to Hell Installation detail
Eliza Evans, "All the Way to Hell", Bronx Museum installation of well-core samples (detail).

Tristan Higginbotham will focus on pollinator hosts and species, creating synthetic “hummingbird feeders” that blur the lines between the natural and unnatural.

Tristan Higginbotham Headshot
Tristan Higginbotham. Photo: Zachary Rafuls.
Higginbotham Enrichment Collage
Tristan Higginbotham, "Enrichment Collage", 2023, materials from Ridgewood Reservoir, wood glue, dryer lint. Courtesy of the artist.

Katarina Jerinic will study, draw and print plant forms over found maps, guidebooks and other ephemera related to New York City to suggest a future where the built environment has gone to seed, or an idyllic speculative past.

Katarina Jerinic Headshot by Mana Kaasik
Katarina Jerinic. Photo: Mana Kaasik.
Katarina Jerinic Rock Record 12 New York City street rock
Katarina Jerinic, "Rock Record #12, New York City (street rock)", 2022, adhesive-backed pigment print, framed pigment print. Courtesy of the artist.

Erin Johnson, whose video work and immersive installations interlace documentary, experimental and narrative filmmaking devices, will begin a new short film guided by conversations and collaborations with the garden’s horticultural staff.

Erin Johnson Headhsot by Genesis Báez
Erin Johnson. Photo: Genesis Báez.
Erin Johnson Installation View of Daisy Chain
Installation view of Erin Johnson's solo exhibition "Daisy Chain" at Galleria Eugenia Delfini, Rome, 2023. Courtesy of the artist.

Ibtisam Tasnim Zaman will draw from Persian Islamic geometric art, Indian classical art, surrealism, magical realism, as well as the scientific and symbolic nature of Wave Hill’s flora, to create paintings, animation and performance art.

Ibtisam Zaman Headshot
Ibtisam Tasnim Zaman. Photo: Jeffrey Albright.
Ibtisam Tasnim Zaman Arrival of Self 2023
Ibtisam Tasnim Zaman, "Arrival of Self", 2023, Oil on canvas. Courtesy of the artist.

Session 2
February 20 – April 7, 2024
Participating artists: Yan Cynthia Chen, Lili Chin, Anastasia Corrine, Emily Lombardo, María-Elena Pombo and Karina Aguilera Skvirsky.

Drop-In Sundays: March 10 and 17

Open Studios: Saturday, April 6

Employing materials traditionally used to package, protect or imprint, like paper pulp, clay and plaster, Yan Cynthia Chen will make new paper and wax sculptures that draw connections between plant and human anatomy, as well as architectural structure.

Yan Cynthia Chen headshot
Yan Cynthia Chen. Courtesy of the artist.
Chen Yan Cynthia Citrus and Lavender detail
Yan Cynthia Chen, "Citrus and Lavendar" (detail), 2022, paper pulp, citrus fruits, dried lavender, cotton twine. Photo: Natalie Rose Eddings.

Focusing on native plants, Lili Chin will incorporate shapes, patterns and materials from the grounds into a panoramic tapestry that will span the studio space.

Lili Chin Headshot
Lili Chin. Courtesy of the artist.
Lili Chin Atmospheric Values Installation shot 2019
Lili Chin, "Atmospheric Values" (installation shot), 2019, installation, fabric, thread, homespun thread, 16mm film, wire, photographs, paperclay, porcelain, found Japanese fabric, metal, wooden frame, enamel paint, copper, glass, mylar, graphite. Courtesy of the artist.

Anastasia Corrine will continue to work on an inter-media project Every Graveyard is a Garden (EGG). Combining earth sounds, field recordings, electronic music, sculpture and ceramic instruments to speculate beyond and before the Plantationcene, EGG stimulates an awakening submerged in the hidden or unknown.

Anastasia Corrine Headshot
Anastasia Corrine. Photo courtesy of the artist.
Anastasia Corrine Hard Head Big Body 2019 Glazed stoneware
Anastasia Corrine, "Hard Head Big Body", 2019, glazed stoneware. Courtesy of the artist.

Emily Lombardo will create a series of prints that draw connections between queer resilience and the ability of plants to adapt to hostile environments by evolving, highlighting how both humans and plants create systems of care and strategies for survival which help to overcome generational trauma.

Emily lombardo headshot
Emily Lombardo. Photo courtesy of the artist.
Emily Lombardo Well Float
Emily Lombardo, "We’ll Float", 2021, monoprint with paint. Courtesy of the artist.

María-Elena Pombo works through open-ended and interconnected projects that center Earth matter, namely the avocado seed. The artist applies ancient technologies and scientific inquiry to transform these materials into textile dye, leather, plastic, clay, glass, yarn, and even electricity and fuel for vehicles.

María Elena Pombo Headshot
María-Elena Pombo. Photo courtesy of the artist.
Maria Elena Aguas Globales Semillas Locales Rosa Terráqueo 2018 Local Avocado Seeds Global Water Samples Glass Variable Robert Bredvad
María-Elena Pombo, "Aguas Globales, Semillas Locales (Rosa Terráqueo)", 2018; Local avocado seeds, global water samples, glass. Photo: Robert Bredvad.

Focusing on plant migration, Karina Aguilera Skvirsky will use the residency period for horticultural research, development and photography towards the pictorial depiction of the journeys of plants.

Karina Aguilera Skviersky Headshot by Nardeen Srouji
Karina Aguilera Skvirsky. Photo: Nardeen Srouji.
Karina Aguilera Skvirsky Piedras Vivas Wall Installation 2022
Karina Aguilera Skvirsky, "Piedras Vivas", 2022, wall installation. Courtesy of the artist.

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