- Families
Stories in the Garden
Meet at the Flower Garden

Join Wave Hill and Literacy in Community Educators for storytime in the garden! Stories will come to life through interactive book readings and related activities. For rain or other extreme weather, meet in Gund Theater in Wave Hill House. Ideal for children ages three to six with an adult.
Drop-in with limited capacity, first come first serve. Please email us at information@wavehill.org or call 718.549.3200 x251.
Literacy in Community works day in and day out throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx and Staten Island, to provide reading and learning opportunities for children so that they grow into competent readers, ready to succeed in school and in life.
The route leading to the Flower Garden is made of mixed-material pathways with little change in grade. The program will be seated on the ground with chairs available for a limited number of guests.