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Returning to the Source

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Wave Hill House
Estevez Nicolas Performance WWS10yr
Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo, "In Bed With Tropicals", 2015. Courtesy of the artist.

Returning to the Source was originally on view in Wave Hill House from January 19 to March 29, 2020. Returning to the Source closed early, on March 18, due to the outbreak of COVID-19. You can visit this show virtually by viewing this catalogue that includes all the artwork in the exhibition.

Returning to the Source celebrates ten years of Wave Hill's Winter Workspace Program and features 30 artists who capture the spirit of the Workspace. The Winter Workspace provides artists with unique opportunities to expand their practices within the context of the garden and work with Wave Hill's living collection, consult with staff across departments, as well as participate in public-facing programs. While some of the works on view were created during the Workspace, other artworks were completed after the residency and reflect the long-lasting impact of the Workspace on each artist's practice.

Many thanks to the exhibiting artists: Whitney Artell, Michele Brody, Sindy Butz, Julian Chams, Elisabeth Condon, Dennis RedMoon Darkeem, Francisco Donoso, Dahlia Elsayed, Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo, Gwen Fabricant, Beatrice Glow, Sabrina Gschwandtner, Asuka Hishiki, Elizabeth Hoy, Nova Jiang, Yeon Jin Kim, Tamara Kostianovsky, Jessica Lagunas, Nick Lamia, Amy Lincoln, Robyn Love, Next Epoch Seed Library (Anne Percoco & Ellie Irons), Paloma McGregor, Naomi Reis, Yelaine Rodriguez, Jessica Rohrer, Linda Stillman, Austin Thomas, Michael Kelly Williams and Ezra Wube. An additional thanks to Lesley Heller Gallery and private collections for loaning works.

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