- Nature
- Talks + Tours
Intro to Birding
Wave Hill House
Anyone can be a birder! Ryan Mandelbaum from the Feminist Bird Club is here to guide you through your first birding session. Learn tips and tricks to observe and identify common birds in your local park, garden or neighborhood using visual and auditory cues as well as helpful birding apps such as eBird and Merlin. Find out how to prepare for your outings and practice using binoculars (bring your own or borrow ours). Afterwards, venture outside to put your new skills to use while observing birds in Wave Hill's gardens and at our bird feeding station. You'll be birding in no time!
Registration required; online or by calling 718.549.3200 x251.
Wave Hill House is wheelchair-accessible. There is an accessible, ground-level entrance at the front of the building with a power-assist door. The restroom on the ground level is all-gender and ADA-compliant. Additional ADA-compliant restrooms are available on the lower level, which can be accessed by elevator. Walks follow a route along mixed-material pathways with varying elevations. A limited amount of walking sticks are available to borrow. Pace varies from a slow walk to moderate walk throughout.
Ryan Mandelbaum
Ryan Mandelbaum
Ryan Mandelbaum is a science writer, naturalist, and member of the NYC Audubon's Young Conservationists Council. Originally from Long Island, they travel around their resident borough of Brooklyn searching for and showing others local birds and stopover migrants. Ryan strives to make their walks welcoming, inclusive, and fun and they'll also share plenty of random facts to dispense about the parks, wildlife, science, and more. They have written about birds for a variety of publications, including The New York Times, Gizmodo, Audubon, Gothamist, and more. They also volunteer for the New York State Breeding Bird Atlas, Feminist Bird Club, and The Finch Research Network. When not thinking about birds, Ryan works full-time at IBM as a physics writer.